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How to Prepare for FPSC/PPSC Mcqs Tests | Best mcqs Books for FPSC

Dear Fellows! 

Seeking a government job and developing a successful career today is the main goal of our youth. The way, jobs are distributed among favourites who either have money or have a reference, the only option left for competent and deserving students is to try their luck through Federal and Provincial Public Service Commissions (FPSC, PPSC etc), where a greater level of transparency and merit is ensured.

For a good number of jobs advertised through Federal and Provincial Public Service Commissions, the written test consists of 100 marks of MCQs. The 100 marks generally are further divided into following subjects

1. GK
2. Islamic studies
3. Current Affairs
4. General Science / Everyday Science
5. Pakistan affairs 
6. Basic Arithmetic 
7. Sometimes computer and Urdu in ppsc

Main part of these tests is English which consists 20 questions.

Urdu is usually part of the test in PPSC tests.

Now the main question arises from where to prepare for these tests. My personal experience of qualifying some FPSC and PPSC MCQs tests and after having observed the methods of various other successful friends, I have come to a finding that for making an effective preparation for these 100 Marks GK based MCQs tests, nowadays, preparing from the recent past papers conducted by Public Service Commissions is key to success. In this regard I recommend for the preparation of PPSC tests, Imtiaz shahid's book of solved PPSC tests and for FPSC tests, Mr Subhan's book of FPSC past tests are the two best must-read books in the market.

At two levels these books proved their worth

Firstly, A good number of questions get repeated in these MCQs tests and one finds oneself in a highly comfortable position in the paper when you find those repeated questions.

Secondly, Remember, General knowledge is a vast subject, there is no boundary of this subject and one is helpless to prepare that all. In this scenario, these past papers provide you with an idea as what trends were going on in the Public service Commission tests and which portions are in focus keeping in view those trends what areas needed to be prepared on priority. I would like to elaborate the point with the example of personal experience. 
For instance, in one of the test, the question was asked where King Babar was buried.
Now first of all this question has more chances of repetition in upcoming tests
And has already been repeated a good number of times. 
Secondly, one can predict that in the upcoming test they may ask about some other Mughal or Muslim King's place of birth or death. Now, one may find from books or may search from the internet as to where remaining famous Mughal Emperors were born and are buried. I did the same and in the next test, carried three questions regarding Mughal Emperors, so planning is mandatory. This is only a single example to make you understand. I quote another example here. In one of the tests, they had asked who was the teacher of Plato. Now firstly this Question could be repeated in any of the approaching tests. Secondly, in the upcoming tests, the examiner could ask some other relevant question. That's why I prepared the chain from Aristotle to downwards. And in one of the next tests, I came across a question that who was the teacher of Alexander the Great. That's how the past papers prove instrumental in a befitting preparation. In this way, by following past papers not only one increasing the chances of finding those questions getting repeated in the paper but more importantly one can expect questions and the trends being followed.

Another important thing about Imtiaz Shahid's book of past papers is that it contains a section of most important repeated questions regarding Urdu which is not in other books in the market. Repeated question portion is the most beneficial part of any book.

After one has obtained an idea from past papers book that what needs to be prepared, he should search for a book from the market from where he can get all this stuff. In this regard, the Caravan Publishers' book by Ahmad Najeeb proves highly instrumental in making preparation beneficial enough. First of all, this books covers almost all the areas from which the questions may be asked in these tests.
Secondly, there are certainly other good Books of GK MCQs also available in the market which have the same contents. However, they are replete with errors and mistakes. While this book has less number of errors and mistakes which distinguishes it from those other books in the market.

However, one can make a study plan to get more benefits from the book of Ahmad Najeeb after one has gone through the book of past papers which I have mentioned above. As only then one is informed of the fact that what portions are to be prepared on a priority basis and which areas may be skipped.

The third source which consists of highly important content regarding these fps ppsc test's preparation is Ilmi's GK Capsules. However, still, the primary and most important sources are above mentioned two books.
That is how, in my opinion, one may brighten one's score in one paper MCQ test. I myself have followed this technique and I was able to qualify numerous tests including the tests of
Custom inspector, Assistant Director IB through FPSC, Assistant Director anti-Corruption and Assistant Director Civil Defense through PPSC Punjab public service commission, where the merit went to hit 85+ marks.

One method which I recommend my readers, personally, to prepare yourself from any book but also do prepare from top MCQs websites. Follow past papers and start with one MCQs website or our website which also included some past papers and preparation material.

I wish all the aspirants good luck.


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